Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin Wiki

Matsuno Izumi (松野和泉(まつの いづみ)) is Miyako Arata's childhood friend. The two have been close and usually plays game together in their free time.




Izumi was first seen walking by the street and greetint Seo and Kyoichi, to which she comments on Arata if they weren't doing something fishy.

Demon Another Arc[]

Izumi is a high school student playing computer games in Arata's room. After defeating and mocking Arata's skills in gaming, she left before reminding him of the festival in Kagurazaka. While leaving, Kohaku who's on the rooftop grinned at her back. They went to hell and reported about a lady who fits Azazel's necessities.

She was seen next waiting for Arata and he appeared not long after which they went strolling around the place. Izumi suddenly felt thirsty and Arata left her to buy some drinks when he looked back and saw Azazel dragging her away.

When she woke up next, she was in hell. It was dark but she can see herself. A student was next to her, Sakaki Shiori, she calmed her and lowered her voice as Azazel was in front of them. He looked at the two and immediately choose Shiori next. While Arata and his company faces Cerberus, Izumi's left arm was taken from her.

Arata and co. finally appeared, Arata who was happy to see Izumi is fine ran and took her arms. Izumi blushed at how Arata kneeled in front of her but she was also confused. However, everything was done and Azazel revived his lover. They saw how Azazel's hardwork went to drain as the woman went crazy after learning she was revived and Azazel killed her himself.

At the death of the woman, all parts of her body that were taken from different ladies were given back automatically. Izumi regained the strength of her arms and she was able to leave hell. In the end, she became close with Shiori.

Volume 7[]

She went shopping with Shiori, Kyoichi and Arata accompanying them.

Manga and Anime Differences[]

  • She appeared at the same as Yuki but in manga she was introduced in Volume 3.
  • In manga Arata blushed seeing her wearing a yukata.
  • Her involvement with the Another was Arata's turning point as he started to categorize Another that can be talked with and can't be talked.
  • She began to talk about Another in Arata and told him about the Dream Demon Another.

